Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Went To See The Lawyer!

Today was awesome! My me my mom and Dolores went to see the lawyer today. My mom and the lawyer did most of the talking and Dolores took some notes and asked a few questions and I just sat there listening to the conversation smiling as I listened to plan of the destruction of my school. The place that I went to had the number 928 I don't know what that was about.

The place was very nice! The floors were all shiny and the elevators looked so pretty. It was like being in a dream sort of. It was great. I came home at about 1:00pm and I ate a snack and went to bed and then woke up at 6:30pm! And tomorrow I'm going to have some x-rays done at the clinic. Btw it's a different clinic then the one I went to yesterday.

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